Archived Data
Archived Data
The archived data subtab allows the user to download analyical data from specific cameras by date in a .csv file.
To find the data that you would like to download:
- Select the camera name using either the blue arrows or the drop down arrow.
- Scroll to the date that you would like data for.
You can use the “Search by filename” option in order to quicky find the file you are looking for. Files are stored as YYYYMMDD.csv.
Once the date has been selected the table shows four columns of information:
- Date/Time: Shows the date of the data
- Camera Name: Lists the name of the camera. If selected, this will take you to a current view of the camera under the Video tab.
- Filename: Shows the name of the .csv file being downloaded.
- Link: A clickable link that will initiate download of the data.
For more information on the downloaded data visit the Developer Section.