Archived Data Table

Archived Data Table Description

The following describes the information contained within the columns of the Archived Data Table. The table can be downloaded from the Data>Archived Data tab.

Below is a representation of what the spreadsheet looks like.

Image of Archived Data Spreadsheet

The description of the columns is as follows:

TIME: The local time when the row was written to the file. The data for this entry is for the time period since the last entry.

VOL(NS): Total vehicle count for near-side
VOL(FS): Total vehicle count for far-side

SPEED(NS): Average speed for near-side
SPEED(FS): Average speed for far-side

CR(NS): Total number of cars near-side
TK(NS): Total number of trucks near-side
TR(NS): Total number of tractor-trailers near-side
MC(NS): Total number of motorcycles near-side
UN(NS): Total number of unclassified vehicles near-side

CR(FS): Total number of cars far-side
TK(FS): Total number of trucks far-side
TR(FS): Total number of tractor-trailers far-side
MC(FS): Total number of motorcycles far-side
UN(FS): Total number of unclassified vehicles far-side

CAMERA_MOVED: “no” or “moved”
Indicated whether the software detected camera motion during this data collection period

The preset that the software used during this data collection period. If the number is prefixed with “near”, that indicates that the drift correction was applied. A value of 0 (with or without “near”) indicates that the software could not match any configured preset.

#LANES(NS): Number of lanes on the near-side
#LANES(FS): Number of lanes on the far-side
The subsequent set of columns are for each lane, with lane numbers starting with 1 and increasing with distance from the camera.

VOL(1: NS-1): Vehicle count for lane 1 with label “NS-1”
SPEED(1: NS-1): Average speed of vehicles in this lane.
DENSITY(1: NS-1): Estimated vehicles/mile (or vehicles/km)
DET_OCC(1: NS-1): Estimated occupancy (% of time a simulated detector in that lane would be ON)
CR(1: NS-1): Number of cars in this lane
TK(1: NS-1): Number of trucks in this lane
TR(1: NS-1): Number of tractor-trailers in this lane
MC(1: NS-1): Number of motorcycles in this lane
UN(1: NS-1): Number of unclassified vehicles in this lane
