Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

This topic describes some commonly used Advanced Settings and how to access them.


To access the advanced settings for TrafficVision:

  1. Select the Video tab
  2. Select the Advanced Settings subtab
  3. Select which camera you would like to set advanced settings for using the blue arrows or the drop down menu.
  4. Enter the internal setting you are searching for in the top querry box and press Enter.
  1. Once you have finished editing press the green Save button to save your changes.
Image of Advanced Setting

Frequently Used Advanced Setting

Below is a list of common internal settings in TrafficVision TMC version 2.1.x.

“Incidents.auto_clear.sec” The number of seconds until an incident detected by TrafficVision will be automatically cleared by the system. The minimum value is 1.

“Incidents.mute.seconds” The number of seconds until another incident of the same type will be detected by TrafficVision after having been cleared. The minimum value is 1.

“Incidents.stopped_vehicle.sensitivity” How sensitive the TrafficVision system is to detecting stopped objects. This is a unitless setting. The default is 50, and it is advised to never set it below 40 or above 60. Increasing the value of this setting will also increase the chances of TrafficVision detecting a false positive.

“Incidents.stopped_vehicle.stationary_history_sz” The number of seconds that TrafficVision keeps track of where an object had stopped. The minimum value is what “Incidents.stopped_vehicle.min_history_sz” is set to, which is 10 seconds by default. It is advised to never set it lower than that.
If you have a situatin where you need to detect vehicles that stop in the same location constantly, then lower the value of this setting.

“Incidents.pedestrian.sensitivity” How sensitive the TrafficVision system is for detecting pedestrians. This is a unitless setting. The default is 50, and it is advised to never set it below 40 or above 60. Increasing the value of this setting will also increase the chances of TrafficVision detecting a false positive.

“Incidents.pedestrian.min_size” The minimum size of an object in pixels for it to be considered by the TrafficVision system to be a pedestrian. It is advised to never set this below 6, since decreasing the value will also increase the chances of detecting a false positive.

“Incidents.pedestrian.min_dist” The minimum distance that a pedestrian has to travel before it will be detected by TrafficVision. The unit of distance is either in feet or meters depending on how the system is configured. The minimum value is 1. Decreasing this value can increase the chances of TrafficVision detecting a false positive.

“Incidents.pedestrian.max_speed” The maximum speed that an object can travel at before it will no longer be considered a possible pedestrian by the TrafficVision system. Anything going faster than this setting will not be considered a pedestrian. The units are either MPH or KPH depending on how the system is configured. The minimum value is 1. Increasing this value will increase the chances of TrafficVision detecting a false positive.
