Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery
All TrafficVision TMC data, configuration, settings, binaries, and dependencies are stored inside a single directory
On Linux: ~/trafficvision
TrafficVision TMC is designed to be copy-deployable without requiring setting up any databases or additional services.
Installation on CentOS7
- Centos 7 with latest updates
- Configure firewall to allow inbound access to the port used by TrafficVision to serve clients (default 4443)
- A user account with sudo previleges (sudo previleges arerequired only during the installation)
- TrafficVision installer package (CentOS 7)
- Copy trafficvision installer package into user’s home directory
- Extract the installer package (e.g. tar xzf tmc-x.y.z.tar.gz)
/home/$user/deploy - cd deploy
./make-cert.sh - cd ~/trafficvision/bin
Enter number of streams to be processed on this box
Enter units (feet or meters) - Send the ~/trafficvision/lic_req file to TrafficVision
- Put the tv_lic file that trafficvision sent in ~/trafficvision
- To start/stop TrafficVision: sudo systemctl start/stop tmc
- A customer can install SSL certificates in ~/trafficvision/certs (server.crt and server.key)
Option-1: DR using a stand-by server
- TrafficVision will provide licenses for both servers (production and stand-by).
- The redundant/stand-by server will need to be configured for network access to the cameras.
- A nighlty job will sync all the data and configuration from the production server to the stand-by server.
- During a Disaster the TMC service would need to be started on the stand-by server.
- All clients will need to be redirected to the stand-by server.
Option-2: DR using external backup and new/fresh server
- Customer will be responsible for backing up all the data from the trafficvision directory to the remote backup location.
- During DR, Customer will provision a server with similar hardware and OS specs as the production server running the TrafficVision software.
- Customer will be responsible for installing the TrafficVision software and restoring data from remote backup location onto the new server.
- Customer will send a license request file corresponding to the new server (generated during installation), unless the hardware for the disaster can be pre-selected and a license file can be generated in advance.
- TrafficVision will provide a license for the new server (either in advance or based on the disaster recover event).
During backup/restore special care needs to be taken for the ~/trafficvision/tv_lic file. A license generated for one server will fail on a different server.