Settings Tab


The Settings tab enables you to:


The Settings tab is organized into three subtabs:

Incident Alerts
Settings Tab

Incident Alerts are set up according to time and weekday ranges, called rules. These rules enable you to:

These settings also control the colors displayed throughout the TMC Web Application, indicating different condition levels for any particular camera:

Alert Behavior

Alert Behavior
These settings enable you to specify the actions the TMC Web Application will take when an alert occurs, including:

Data Access

Data Access
These settings enable you to specify how frequently traffic monitoring data is collected and whether detailed logging for individual vehicles should be enabled.

Using the Camera Selection Box

The Settings tab includes a blue selection box at the top of the tab pane. Select a camera from this list to apply settings to it.

To display the drop-down list, click the down arrow:

Camera Selection
The list includes all available cameras (one item per individual camera).

Each change you make and save in these subtabs always applies to the camera you selected.

Understanding the Settings Hierarchy

The settings you save at any time apply only to the camera you selected unless:

When making your settings in these three different subtabs, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Incident Alerts

A camera will use the rules on this subtab in the following order of priority:

  1. Added rules for the camera apply first. If multiple rules include any of the same time(s) during the week, the most recently-added rule covering the current time always applies. For example, in the image below, two rules have been added to the Default rule. The rule “Weekdays” overrides the Default rule on Monday through Friday. The rule “Tuesday” overrides the Default rule and the Weekdays rule settings for its timeframe, all day Tuesday.
  2. Default (24/7) rules for that individual camera apply when no added rules apply.

Alert Behavior & Data Access

A camera will use the displayed settings on these subtabs.

The settings in these two subtabs apply to all Incident Alerts for that camera.
