Working with Rules

Incident Alerts Field Descriptions

New Rules

The icons over each section of settings indicate whether the settings apply in presets mode (presets mode Icon), in AutoLearn Mode, Locked presets mode, or any combination of these.


Adding a Rule

To add a rule:

  1. Select the Settings tab and select the Incident Alerts subtab.
  2. Select the camera which will have the added setting.
  3. Click the Add New Rule button. A dialog displays similar to the following.
    New Rule Dialog
  4. Set the time parameters that will apply to this new group of settings:
    • Rule Name: Enter a name to identify the new rule.
    • Days of the Week: Select the check box for each day of the week the camera will use these settings.
    • Start Time: Click the first down arrow to select the time the camera will begin using these settings.
    • End Time: Click the first down arrow to select the time the camera will stop using these settings.
  5. When you finish setting the date and time parameters in the dialog, click Save.
  6. Next, the Settings Box below the Time Rules list will prompt you to “Change settings for .”
  7. In the Settings Box, select the incidents which will create alerts in the time range you specified, as shown below. In this example, the rule named “Weekend” sets alerts for only Wrong-way vehicles, Stopped vehicle/debris in the road if stationary for 45 seconds, and Pedestrian in the road.
    Change Rule Settings
  8. To save these settings to other cameras in the system, select the multi-save check box.
  9. When you finish setting the incident alert settings for your rule, click Save Changes.

Changing the Alerts for a Rule

To change the alerts for a rule:

  1. Select the Settings tab and select the Incident Alerts subtab.
  2. Select the camera for which you will change a rule setting.
  3. In the list of rules, select the row of the rule you to change. All selected alerts for that rule will display in the gray box below.
  4. Step through the alert settings, making any desired changes. The settings fields are detailed and self-explanatory, but here are some guidelines for completing your changes:
  1. When you are finished making changes, click the Save Changes button.

Editing the Time for a Rule

To edit the time for a rule:

  1. Select the Settings tab and select the Incident Alerts subtab.
  2. Select the camera for which you will edit a setting.
  3. In the list of Time Rules, find the row of the setting to change and click the edit icon (edit_icon.png) in its Edit Time column. The dialog for rule time settings displays:
    Change Rule Settings

Deleting a Rule

To delete a rule:

  1. Select the Settings tab and select the Incident Alerts subtab.
  2. Select the camera for which you will delete a setting.
  3. In the list of Time Rules, find the row for the setting to delete and click the red x icon in its Delete column. The row in the list of rules is deleted.