Selecting Cameras

Side Pane and Overview Tab Selection

On the Side Pane and Overview tab, select any camera by clicking it. The selected camera displays in the Video tab.

Seleting Cameras

A thumbnail for each camera includes the following information:

Camera Thumbnail

The display box background color indicates a condition:

Map Tab Selection

If your TMC Web Application setup includes the Map tab, you can use it to display camera markers.

A camera marker appears on the map as a small camera icon (icon_cam_neutral.png).

Clicking the marker displays traffic monitoring data and a thumbnail image for that camera.

Map Information

List Box Selection

The top of the Video, Settings and Data tab panes include a selection box. Click the down arrow to display a drop-down list of cameras.

Other Unique Options:

The selection box can display other options unique to the functions on a particular tab or subtab.

Descriptions of these options follow:

Video Tab
Video Tab

Select a camera from a list of all cameras.

Settings Tab

Incident Alerts, Alert Behavior and Data Access subtabs

Settings Tab

Select a camera from a list of all cameras.

Data Tab

Incident Data Subtab: Select the data collection date from a calendar.

Data Tab

Archived Data or Per Vehicle subtabs: Select a camera from a list of all cameras.

Archived Data Camera Selection

Automatic Selection (Video Tab)

In the Video tab view, the TMC Web Application can automatically display any camera experiencing an incident alert.

With multiple camera alerts, the camera with the most recent alert displays. Clear the alert for each camera to display the remaining cameras with alerts. See Monitoring Traffic in the Video Tab for information on how to clear alerts.
