
This topic provides a general sequence to follow when troubleshooting issues in the TMC Web Application.

Scenario Action(s)
You can’t find the specific information you need in the online documentation. The online documentation includes a Search feature. Enter any keyword into the search field to search.
Doc Search
The video picture for a camera is: stalled, missing part or all of its calibration overlay graphics, or behaving unusually in any other way Try refreshing the camera connection.
You need to record video to send to support for analysis. You can begin manually recording camera video by pressing the Start button under Video Recording. Video recording will cease after an hour passes or when the Stop button is pressed. After manually recording video, you can download it. Select the Download Annotated Video link to download the annotated .mp4 file including the calibrated lane markings overlay. Select the Download Unannotated Video link to download the .mp4 file without any additional data overlay.
The TMC Web Application in general is behaving unusually. Try logging out, closing all instances of the browser, and then reopening and logging back in. You can also try a different browser type to make sure you are not having a browser cache problem.